I had big plans last week. And that was the problem...

Last week I got ambitious.
Really ambitious.

I was going to write my usual weekly advisor newsletter.
Plus an epic blog post.
Plus record some videos.

I could feel the excitement building.

This was going to be amazing.
Game-changing content.
Revolutionary insights.

But then...

One research paper led to another.
Each idea spawned three more.
Every conclusion needed more proof.

The rabbit hole got deeper.
And deeper.
And deeper.

Thursday came.
Then Friday.
And I realized something.

Friday, I had:
- 47 browser tabs open
- 12 pages of notes
- 3 half-written drafts
- 0 finished pieces


In trying to do more, I ended up doing nothing.

No newsletter.
No blog post.
No videos.

I should have known better.
This is exactly how practices get stuck.

If you try to build the perfect service model.
The ideal tech stack.
The ultimate client experience.

You end up with nothing but plans.

Trying to do everything perfectly
Is the perfect way to do nothing at all.

What's the last thing you overengineered until it died?